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PCC Minutes - 17th May 2016

Portslade St. Nicolas St. Andrew and Mile Oak the Good Shepherd
Minutes of the PCC meeting held at the Good Shepherd 7.30 p.m.
On 17th May 2016 
1   Opening Prayer    Father Andrew opened the meeting with a prayer.
2.   Attendance and Apologies
Present  Father Andrew (chair) Brian Taylor, Clive Holding, Debbie Cook, Marian Burke, Angela McMillian, Sarah Peck, Gill Wilks, John Wright, Douglas Beard, David Quantrill, David Sharp, Roger Reeve, Ted Wilks, Andrew Stove, Andrew Birks, Ann Beard, Alan Langridge.
Joan Wright.
Apologies  received from Stuart Hutchin, Averil Mitchell, Terry Boxall
3  Agreement of Minutes of Previous Meeting held 18th April 2016.
The minutes were read and signed as a true record.
4  Matters Arising   None.
5 Correspondence 
Joan Wright read a letter from Alison Woodford thanking every one for the Songs of Praise and cream tea; and for the flowers and theatre ticket.  Alison wished the new churchwardens every success in their new posts.
6  Financial Report 
Andrew Stove read the financial report and explain the budget for 2016.
Andrew Stove asked that the PCC accept the budget for 2016.  Douglas Beard proposed, seconded by Brian Taylor. Agreed nem con.
Andrew requested that there be just one signature for cheques up to the value of £200 (currently the limit is £100). Agreed nem con.
Father Andrew thanked Andrew Stove for all his hard work.
7 Reports from Groups
(i) Deanery Synod 
The Deanery Synod next meeting June 9th 2016
(ii) Churches together in Portslade
Last meeting 10th May, enabling committee to meet 24th May 2016.
Churches Together met at the Good Shepherd on Monday evening and had a presentation from Christians Against Poverty (a debt counselling agency working in the area).  Flyers and cards are available in both churches advertising CAP’s work.
Enabling committee will meet on 24th May 2016.
8  Reports from Committees
i   Standing committee will meet on 18th July 2016
ii  Development of St. Nicolas
Every one had a copy of the proposed new lighting scheme for St. Nicolas Church. It was decided to get a more detailed estimate from CB Associates.
It was noted that Don Peters objects to the pews being moved from St. Nicolas
Iii Social and Fund Raising Committee
Everyone had a copy of the Social and Fund Raising Notes and the next meeting is 13th June 2016.
iv St. Nicolas Parish centre  (not met)
v Good Shepherd Hall  (not yet met)
vi  Health and Safety. 
David Sharp has looked at the need for a hand rail by the tower steps in St. Nicolas church and one has been fitted.
9  Fabric
Nick Starr is arranging for a quotation for repairing the damp problems in the childrens’ toilets in  St. Nicolas Parish Centre.
Lightening conductors will be inspected at all three churches by AR Harfield Ltd.
Good Shepherd hall has been re-painted - thanks to all who made this happen.  The electrical power point over the sink is not working and needs to be moved to a safer location. It was agreed to get a quote and get the work done, spending up to £350.  This was proposed by Andrew Birks and seconded by Alan Langridge.  Agreed nem con.
The Good Shepherd hall needs a small notice board for advertising and contact. The cost for this is approximately £500, and Alan Langridge is to follow this up.  Proposed by Ann Beard seconded Brian Taylor. Agreed nem con.
Brian Taylor had researched two quotes for a new floor polisher and it was decided to buy a brand new one at £500. Proposed by Brian Taylor, seconded Angela McMillan. Agreed nem con.
Ramp for Good Shepherd hall:  The council do not have regulations on ramps. All quotes (from local firms) came within their guide lines. Andrew Birks proposed that we accept the quote for £7944.  Seconded John Wright passed with one abstention.
Brackenbury Yew Tree  It was proposed that the Yew tree be taken out as the roots are damaging the church building, the shade is contributing to a micro climate in the Brackenbury Chapel and squirrels are using it as an access to the roof. The council has approved its removal but the Archdeacon and the Diocesan Advisory Committee must give their permission too.  Fr Andrew proposed the removal, seconded by Gill Wilks. Agreed nem con.
10  North East Pilgrimage 2017  
The proposed trip to Holy Island and other locations has proved very popular and the PCC voted to adopt this as an activity of the parish.  Proposed by Andrew Birks, seconded by Gill Wilks. Agreed nem con.
11 The future of St. Andrew’s Church.
It was agreed with reluctance to move towards closure of St. Andrew’s church as a place of worship within the parish.   David Sharp asked if the William Morris windows and war memorial could be saved, and possibly incorporated into the St Nicolas development or the Church of the Good Shepherd.  Fr Andrew agreed to look into the possibility of this. It was suggested we might use some money from the Avril Hunt legacy towards this purpose.   Fr Andrew proposed the motion that we move towards closing St Andrew’s as a place of Anglican worship in the parish, seconded by Brian Taylor.  Carried with one abstention.
Notes of PCC members, PCC dates for 2016, and a list for Sunday Evening Services 2016 were circulated.
Following an observation about a greater degree of transparency in PCC matters it was proposed that PCC Minutes would be published on the website and be available at the back of both churches, following approval of Minutes at the subsequent PCC and with the proviso that any confidential matters be removed first.  Proposed by Brian Taylor, seconded by Ted Wilks.  Agreed nem con.
There being no other business the meeting finished with a prayer.
The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.
The date of the next meeting is 20th July 2016.
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