Portslade St. Nicolas & St. Andrew and Mile Oak the Good Shepherd
Minutes of the PCC meeting held at the Good Shepherd 7.30pm on 20 July 2016 in the Good Shepherd Church
1. Opening Prayer Father Andrew opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. Attendance and Apologies
Present Father Andrew Perry (chair), Brian Taylor, Debbie Cook, Marian Burke, Angela McMillan,
Gill Wilks, John Wright, Douglas Beard, David Quantrill, David Sharp, Roger Reeve, Ted Wilks,
Andrew Stove, Andrew Birks, Ann Beard, Alan Langridge, Averil Mitchell, (Joan Wright)
Apologies received from Sarah Peck and Clive Holding
3. Agreement of Minutes of Previous Meeting held 17 May 2016.
Two alterations were made: Averil Mitchell and Terry Boxall were not present at the meeting; and the comment attributed to Averil was re-worded as: “It was proposed that the Avril Hunt legacy might be used for removal of the windows in St Andrews”.
With those two alterations the Minutes were accepted and agreed for publication with no redaction nem con.
4. Matters Arising
i. Fr Andrew is meeting with the Archdeacon this Wednesday to discuss the Yew tree. We await the Archdeacon’s Notice Approving Works for the removal of the tree. ii. A notice board has been fixed to the Good Shepherd Hall which cost half the price we estimated last meeting. iii. A new floor polisher has not yet been purchased for the parish.
5. Correspondence None
6. Financial Report
Andrew Stove read the Treasurer’s Report. John Wright thanked Dr Stove for early submission of his Report which meant that everybody had received a copy ahead of the meeting.
7. Reports from Groups
i Deanery Synod
The Deanery Synod met on 9 June. It was proposed that the £250,000 from the sale of Holy Trinity Church Hove be invested in a Rolling Fund available to parishes in the deanery who could pay back loans over a number of years at very low interest. A working group was set up to look into this.
The Archdeacon explained the current situation for parishes which cannot meet their full parish ministry costs: such a parish must apply in writing each year to the Deanery Group for Allocating Grants (DGAG). Costs for 2017 should be given out in August; parish must respond by 23 September. Deanery Treasurers meet 29 September; the deadline for application to DGAG is 28 October. Next meeting 4 October.
ii Churches together in Portslade
The enabling committee met on 24 May & 18 July. Matters discussed included The Emmaus Picnic, CAPS evening, Christian Aid week, the fish & chip walk and the Portslade Village Fayre was mentioned.
8. Reports from Committees
i. Standing committee met on 18 July to look at PCC structures. It was proposed that there be 5 sub committees of the PCC:
a. Standing Committee (to include Finance as and when needed). Comprising Vicar, Churchwardens, Treasurer, Andrew Birks, Doug Beard & Marian Burke. b. Social & Fund Raising Committee. Ad hoc membership
c. Development Committee (currently looking at St Nicolas church). Ad hoc membership
d. Fabric Committee (to include Health & Safety and Church Halls). To comprise: Alan Langridge (PCC link person); Gill Wilks; David Sharp; John Wright; Andy Stove; Brian Taylor.
e. Mission & Outreach Committee. To comprise: Debbie Cook (PCC link person); Ann Beard; Marian Burke; Averil Mitchell; Fr Andrew.
ii Development of St. Nicolas
Fr Andrew circulated the latest set of plans - these contain more detail than previously (including cross sections etc) and are fully displayed on the board at the back of St Nicolas church. It is being proposed that the floor be stone, with underfloor heating (possibly from geo-thermal heat exchangers - but these require some deep bore holes and investigation must be made as to whether it is viable). Further advise is being sought about re-location of the font and general comment on plans.
It was suggested that a new combined Mile Oak & Portslade War Memorial be considered for the development, including those whose names are currently recorded in St Andrews.
iii Social and Fund Raising Committee
Met on 13 June and Notes had been circulated. It was good to note that the COGS 1950s Themed Cream Tea raised over £640. A flyer with forthcoming events will be available soon at the back of both churches.
In 2017 the Church of the Good Shepherd will be 50 years old. Celebrations are planned for the weekend of 1/2 July, including a 1960s themed cream tea and a joint mass on Sunday with Bishop Martin preaching and presiding.
iv St. Nicolas Parish centre (not met) v Good Shepherd Hall (not met) vi Health and Safety (not met)
9. Fabric
St Nicolas Parish Centre
i. We are in the process of re-examining the Cleaner’s contract, to check that a list of tasks, and an expectation of hours are clear and that the Living Wage is being paid.
The children’s toilet needs repair (we are still awaiting a quotation organised by Manager Nick
Starr), and the adult toilet floor needs some attention. It was proposed by Andrew Birks that the Standing Committee could spend up to £4,000 as the toilets are a priority. Seconded by Ann Beard, passed nem con.
ii. Dave & Norma Sharp were thanked for removing all the weeds from around the side and back of the Centre.
iii. The kitchen is not fit for purpose and it is important that it is Health & Safety compliant. Andrew Birks obtained three quotations for a new kitchen with non-slip flooring and shutters replaced with roller blinds. The oven is still operational but will be deep cleaned professionally. The fridge is still operational. The quotations were £5,870; £7,950 (but excluding floor); £6-10,000 (depending on levels of finish). (All quotes include VAT). After discussion Andy Birks proposed accepting the first quotation. Seconded by Gill Wilks, passed with one abstention.
iv. The Church of the Good Shepherd has no lightning conductor. It is neither compulsory, nor will its absence invalidate our insurance, and since the building has survived 49 years without one the Standing Committee recommended NOT to install one.
v. Work on the disabled access ramp at the Good Shepherd Church Hall starts on 20 July. Further improvements (such as removal of the kitchen, improvement of toilets) and the installation of catering facilities in the Church, will be dependent on funding.
vi. We are waiting to hear whether installing storage heaters in the Church of the Good Shepherd can be done with or without a Faculty - paperwork is with the Chancellor.
10. Safeguarding
Each year the parish is supposed to formally adopt the Diocesan Safeguarding procedures, sign two forms to this effect and display these forms in the churches and return copies to the Safeguarding Department at Church House. Jennie Davies is the parish Churches Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) contact person and Safeguarding Officer. Fr Andrew proposed the signing of the forms, seconded by John Wright, agreed nem con, and duly signed by Vicar and Churchwardens.
Roger Reeve raised the issue of beetle presence in St Nicolas. Fr Andrew confirmed that a recent investigation by Bensley’s reported live Deathwatch and Common Timber Beetle in the old wooden chest and some flooring in the church. Bensley’s had treated the beams 20 years ago, but detailed inspection was not possible without ladders. The Architect suggests this could be done at the same time as re-painting in the Development. Roger has kindly painted affected areas at ground level with a treatment. Fr Andrew thanked him for doing this.
There being no other business the meeting finished with a prayer.
The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
The date of the next meeting is 5 September 2016.