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PCC Minutes - 5th September 2016

Portslade St. Nicolas & St. Andrew and Mile Oak the Good Shepherd

Minutes of the PCC held at the Good Shepherd 7.30 p.m.

on 5th September 2016


1. Opening Prayer
Father Andrew opened the meeting with a prayer.


2. Attendance and Apologies
Present Father Andrew (chair), John Wright, Terry Boxall, Brian Taylor, David Quantrill, Ted Wilks, Marian Burke, Averil Mitchell, Andrew Stove, Alan Langridge, Ann Beard, Angela MacMillian, Sarah
Peck, Douglas Beard, Debbie Cook.
Apologies Andrew Birks, Gill Wilks, (who was attending a DAC meeting at Church House) Clive Holding, and David Sharp.


3. Agreement of Minutes of Previous Meeting held 20th July Plus agreement on publication The minutes were read and approved leaving out sensitive material regarding the cleaner’s hours and wages. The minutes will be displayed in both churches and published on the website.

Acceptance of the Minutes proposed by John Wright, Seconded by Brian Taylor agreed nem con.

4. Matters Arising
We have been given permission to remove the Yew tree at St. Nicolas Church. 


The new kitchen has been installed in the St. Nicolas Parish Centre.
The issue of the toilets in the Parish centre is still ongoing.

Dispensation from Faculty has been granted to install new heaters in the Good Shepherd Church and work will start on 9th October for two weeks. The church will be out of action for one Sunday.

The floor polisher has not been purchased as it was suggested that it might be more viable to hire a contractor to carry out the work when required. The cost of this will be looked into and bought back to the PCC for consideration.

5. Correspondence

Andrew Stove had received a letter from Christian Aid thanking us for our donation of £302.18.

6. Financial Report
Andrew Stove explained his report and stated that the Diocesan quote for 2017 will be £79,190, (this year figure is £76,000).

Andrew Stove proposed that we pay £34,000 for the year 2017.
Seconded by John Wright, passed nem con.

It was suggested that Fr Andrew produce a flyer to keep the congregation up to date with our finances.
Father Andrew thanked Andy Stove for all his hard work.


7. Deanery Synod
Has not yet met


8. Churches Together in Portslade.
Churches together met on 18th July at the Mass Centre, Portslade.
Emmaus Picnic was held on the 14th of August but was poorly supported especially by other churches.

The unity supper will be held on 17th September at the Baptist church, Portslade 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. start.
‘Off the Fence’ will be the third talk in place of the Lent group at the Baptist church Portslade on Monday 19th September at 7.30 p.m.


9. Standing Committee
The Standing committee met to discuss the water leaking in St. Nicolas tower which in turn makes the lighting fail in the church. They agreed to hire scaffolding which will be erected around the
tower in September to investigate the problem.

10. Development of St Nicolas - agreement to seek Faculty
Father Andrew explained the first phase will be within the boundary of the church’s foot print. The cost will be approximately £450,000. If permission is granted we will then be able to apply for grants. The second phase will be building on the outside of the church and for this we will need Council planning permission.
Father Andrew proposed that:
“We wish to apply for consent to the Diocesan Advisory Committee in advance of applying for Faculty for works in the church of St Nicolas. Specifically: removal of pews and level floor incorporation existing ledger stones and with partial under floor heating; removal of screens to chapel and vestry; removal and set aside for re-use panelling in the chancel, retaining memorial reredos; re-level floor in chancel with extended dais, removal of ironwork railings; re-site font;
glazed screen between tower entrance lobby & nave; new flooring in tower; WC within west lobby between tower and chapel with new drainage installation to adjoining hall site; closing of south
porch and using space as store; new storage cupboard in north aisle; internal refurbishment of plaster and paint finishes; new lighting and power installation; new central heating installation, boiler at high level within stair approach to gallery; landscape works to emphasise west entrance and provide wheelchair access.”
Seconded by Ann Beard Passed unanimously by the 15 members of PCC present.

11. Social and Fund Raising
Everyone has a copy of this report from August 15th 2016


12. Fabric Committee
Meets 14th September 2016


13. Mission & Outreach Committee

Meets 8th September 2016

14. Fabric
St. Nicolas Parish Centre The ongoing issue with the toilets will hopefully be resolved shortly.


Groups have complained of difficulty in contacting the manager.
St. Nicolas Church see Standing committee 8/2


15. St Nicolas School - starts on Wednesday 7th September 2016

16. AOB
St. Nicolas church will be be taking part in the Heritage Open Days (8-11 September) as it has in previous years.


There being no other business Father Andrew closed the meeting with a prayer at 8.30 p.m.

The date of the next meeting is 31st of October 2016 at the Good Shepherd church at 7.30 pm.


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